I have included a video I made on C-section birth and how it's done using felt and it's SUPER cool so check it out. The physician cuts through skin, fat, fascia, separates the muscles, cuts through the peritoneum (connective tissue in your abdomen), uterus and amniotic sac all before getting to baby. That's a lot of layers to heal! And every layer has the potential to develop more scar tissue than is ideal. I mean, some scar tissue is essential of course, but if things aren't moving well or if there's excessive amounts, we can run into issues.
For me, it's back pain. When my scar gets sticky and bound down, my abdominal wall does not work as well as it could, and my low back muscles start to freak out and overwork themselves. That, then, leads to low back pain at the very best. At worst, it's pain in my back, butt, and leg.
If you are wondering why this would happen if they don't cut through muscles, it's because muscles, fascia, bones are all connected. If one layer of tissue can't move properly, nothing else can work at its best. The solution? Honestly, it's PT. I'm not just saying that because I am a PT. It's that pelvic health physical therapists know exactly how to assess you and your movement. So after a big abdominal surgery, we know what is safe for you to work on right away, what things you can start to work on as time goes on, and what to teach you for the future so you can continue to live your best life. Pelvic PT is not just about the pelvic floor. Yes, that's a component, but you do NOT have to have had a vaginal delivery to see a Pelvic PT. We are also experts in the rest of your body!
So, if you have pain and have a history of a C-section birth, find a PT.
If you are scheduled for a Cesarean section, find a PT to prepare.
If you are worried about a Cesarean, find a PT.
If you just had a C-section, find a PT.
Do yourself a big favor and take your health and wellness into your own hands. There are Physical Therapists out there who don't need a referral, so you won't have to fight for your right to see one of us. There are so many physicians out there who are more than happy to send you to a PT if you ask. So use your momma bear voice and your mom smarts and find one near you! If you want more info about what we do and more about my own practice, check out my website!
Lacy Kells PT, DPT
Owner of Fayetteville Pelvic Health & Wellness
Follow me on Facebook: Lacy Kells PT, DPT or
Instagram @lacykellspt
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